Our Fiji Paradise Weeps!

Our Governments incredible amount of debt currently sitting on $5.8 Billion!!! Previously, what was once called a sea of debt on which we floated has now become our very own Pacific Ocean of debt into which we are sinking….

Our working middle class are barely managing and drowning further, the lower class are in more misery than ever since the modern era, for them to even fish or dive for mussels in their own rivers and seas, the peoples own resources are now being stopped by the authorities as our poor villagers trying to survive making ends meet are charged to pay for a license with money that they do not even have! In other words, our Government are draining our country’s God given resources to squeeze more money even from the unemployed who just want to live and survive

A poor state of affairs indeed for our citizens while they, yes, that small minority at the top are benefiting from robbing the poor and becoming richer than ever before, based on its purchase of planes, the rising prices of necessities and the swindling of legislation and bullish bureaucratic decrees like bus cards, voters cards just to name a few, fooling the innocent while a class of individuals also dwindling in numbers but still numerous enough to transform minds and politics into acceptance of the economic slavery that passes for democracy.

The Humanity touch has been lost in the eyes of the greed, the very same politicians who promised you growth and prosperity when campaigning! Look where we are today? Who is going to repay this debt? How are we going to fight to resurface and regain the God given gift of Humility and Love! Out with the crony-capitalism and lets all stand together and bring back humanity to our beloved Fiji..

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